Sunday, September 28, 2008

The adventures of Tan in the YI3

Holy cow family, it hasnt been to long since i last wrote but it feels like the world has gone and orbited some other star! First lets start off talking to the family. Chelsea, YOU NEED TO WRITE, I love reading yours! (mom make her write) Joe, is it wierd bein in my room without me in my room? Hows the guys? Ashe-Babe, I do remeber mrs. Tanner and if you can believe it or not i can remeber her when i was in first grade probably doing the same dance that she is doing for you still! 12 years later! Dad I want you to write too, I love hearing differnt perspectives on the same events! Mom, you went to a high school football game?!? What did dad do to force you into it? Everyone, even though I fought it all the way up here, I love reading this blog so you all need to write in it more and put some personality into it, dont just relay the events! I makes it feel like im there and it reminds me of you!
Well now for me, first we will start with the good news (actually its all good news...haha nothing bad happens up here) For an update on my apartment, they finally fixed up our bathroom. It still always smells like pee (Ryan and I think coy pees on the ground haha) but i cant stand going to the bathroom. Our lights went out in half of our apartment so for like 4 days i went without lights in our shower kitchen and hallway. Yah i had to take showers in the dark, feeling around for my shampoo and my body wash, hoping i covered every part of my body. It was kinda fun actually, made me almost want to be blind for a week. We still dont have a tv, its been 3 weeks now and we only had it for a day haha. My apartment is always freakin messy and guess what?! im the clean one that always has his room the cleanest and always has to end up cleaning up after other people cause im sick of it! I also made those cookies you sent me family, turns out i had all those ingredients haha (coy has them and lets me use what ever i want) so pretty much you sent me the idea to make cookies lol and i loved it! my roomates loved it too.
Im still longboarding everywhere i go, skateboarding when i get the chance (i landed my first kick flip today! i was way stoked but none of you probably even know or care what that is lol so ill celebrate my own little victory. Yay Tanner *puts a little tiny flag in the air and waves it back and forth*) Anyway....So I had this date thing planned for friday night, and it didnt work out. I was going to go on a date with Lindsey (art chick) and we were going to go out to the dunes but than we were waiting for alexs jacob lakes friends to get here from utah but then they had car problems and to make a long story short they didnt get here till 12 so we didnt go to the dunes with lindsey, i felt bad. But anyway we met up with one of alexs friends from jacob lake that lived up here and went to her apartment and met her roomates and hung out with them. There was one named named Megan, shes pretty cute so i got to know her pretty good, so keep your eyes open for her on these adventures, shes got potentiel. when it came curfew time everyone else went home but me and alex went out to the dunes and slept there, it was a blast! Than on saturday i was dead tired from the night before but i went and hung out with Megan but she had a date to go on so i went and hung out with sammi after she left (alex was hanging out with jacob lake friends) Man was i out of it, it was funny. Than later on that night i took a nap and when i woke up i went back out to the dunes with alex and his jacob lake friends but it was gay so i went back to Megans apartment and hung out there till curfew. so it turned out ok. And that brings us to now so i guess no funny storys but oh well! This is Tanner signing out, stay tuned!

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